The Necessary Evil

The nec­es­sary Evil

Anuradha Bansal

Ban the plas­tic! It’s not good for the en­vi­ron­ment.

Yes, we agree.

We at Anuved & Anus­pa Herbal Hearts agreed im­me­di­ate­ly at the first instance. We stopped us­ing plas­tic and came out with plas­tic-free pack­ag­ing. But lo and be­hold, what hap­pened is that our cus­tomers suf­fered. They got sog­gy products due to the un­ruly weath­er pat­terns.

We packed our Bio-D laun­dry pow­der with the ut­most care in a Wax coat­ed paper bag and an­oth­er pa­per bag on top but to no avail. We even packed our Anuved herbal soaps in an anti-fun­gal coat­ed mono carton, But the soap dried out, and the per­fume evap­o­rat­ed. We even thought of glass con­tain­ers as an op­tion, but they are breakable, heavy, and make the prod­uct ex­pen­sive.

Fi­nal­ly, we had to go back to plas­tic. But we still did not give up our quest to find an en­vi­ron­men­tal­ly-con­scious op­tion. We dug deep­er and found that the govern­ment has al­lowed thick­er plas­tic which can be re-used. So this time, we’ve gone for 55- mi­cron plas­tic pouch­es to house our pre­cious herbal soaps.

And now the onus is on everyone to col­lect the used plas­tic pack­ag­ing and dis­pose of it through the prop­er chan­nels. Many ser­vices col­lect the plas­tic waste once a month and re­cy­cle it. Please Get in touch with your lo­cal en­vi­ron­men­tal groups or Google it.

We are sup­ported by the ac­tiv­i­ties of Navi Mum­bai Waste War­riors

(Con­tact no. +91 93223 24698)

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